bringing home a yorkshire terrier puppy

Bringing Home a Yorkshire Terrier Puppy: Essential Tips for a Smooth Transition

Bringing home a Yorkshire Terrier puppy is an exciting milestone for a dog lover. Yorkies are known for their loving and spirited personalities, making them perfect companions for individuals or families. Before embarking on this journey, it’s important to gather crucial information about this breed to ensure a successful and smooth introduction to their new home.

When welcoming a Yorkie puppy, it’s crucial to consider multiple aspects of their well-being, like housing requirements, training needs, and their specific health concerns. Adequate preparation will help you provide the best care possible and nurture a strong bond between you and your new companion.

With the right planning and dedication, your Yorkie puppy will become an integral part of your life, bringing joy and companionship to you and your family. Keep in mind the importance of educating yourself before the puppy’s arrival, ensuring a safe and comfortable environment, and staying committed to their care, training, and socialization.

Yorkie puppies playing

Key Takeaways

  • Properly preparing for a Yorkie puppy’s arrival ensures a smooth transition into your home.
  • Providing consistent care and meeting your puppy’s unique needs throughout their life will lead to a strong bond.
  • Prioritizing health, training, and socialization sets your Yorkie puppy up for success and happiness in their new home.

Why Choose a Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terriers, often referred to as Yorkies, are a popular breed for many reasons. One of the main reasons is their small size, which makes them suitable for a variety of living situations. They are often less than seven pounds but possess a sturdiness that ensures they don’t come across as being too dainty 1.

Yorkies are also known for their high energy and lively personalities 2. They are friendly, affectionate, and eager to please their owners. This makes them excellent companions and fun pets to have around.

Below are some key features of Yorkshire Terriers to help you understand why they might be the perfect choice for you:

Size: Small (less than 7 pounds)
Energy Level: High
Temperament: Friendly and Affectionate
Grooming Needs: Moderate (regular brushing required)
Adaptability: Good (suitable for apartments or houses)

Another advantage of choosing a Yorkie is their adaptability to different environments. Whether you live in an apartment or a house with a yard, a Yorkie can thrive as long as they receive proper care, exercise, and attention 3.

So, if you’re looking for a small, lively, and affectionate companion, a Yorkshire Terrier may be the ideal pet for your family.

Considerations Before Bringing Home a Puppy

Household Evaluation

Before bringing a Yorkshire Terrier puppy home, it’s essential to evaluate your household and ensure it’s a suitable environment for the puppy to thrive. Consider the following points:

  • Space: Ensure you have enough space for the puppy to run, play, and explore.
  • Safety: Make sure your home is puppy-proof by eliminating any hazards they might encounter.
  • Other pets: If you have other pets, consider how they will interact with a new addition to the family.
  • Family members: Teach children how to safely handle the puppy and set rules for behavior around the new pet.

By carefully evaluating your household, you can create a welcoming and safe environment for a Yorkshire Terrier puppy.

Financial Aspects

Owning a Yorkshire Terrier puppy involves financial responsibilities. Keep the following expenses in mind:

Puppy foodYorkies require high-quality food tailored to their size and age.
GroomingRegular grooming is essential to maintain their coat and overall health.
VeterinaryRoutine check-ups, vaccinations, and unforeseen health expenses.
SuppliesCollars, leashes, toys, bedding, crate, and more.

Apart from these primary expenses, be prepared to cover additional costs such as training, boarding, or daycare services if needed. Carefully assessing your financial situation before bringing home a puppy ensures that you can provide your new companion with the best care possible. Remember, Yorkies are small but feisty and energetic—you’ll want to make sure you can provide for their needs while enjoying their delightful company.

Finding a Reputable Breeder

When you decide to bring home a Yorkshire Terrier puppy, the first step is to find a reputable breeder. It’s crucial to ensure you bring home a healthy and well-socialized companion. In this section, we will guide you through the process of choosing the right breeder.

Start by doing thorough research on Yorkshire Terrier breeders. Look for breeders who prioritize the health and welfare of their dogs, adhere to responsible breeding practices, and strive to produce high-quality Yorkies.

Here are a few factors to consider while evaluating breeders:

  1. Health Testing: Ensure the breeder conducts necessary health tests on their Yorkies and provides documentation as proof.
  2. Breeding Philosophy: A reputable breeder will have a clear breeding philosophy that emphasizes the well-being of the breed.
  3. Home Environment: Visit the breeder’s place and observe the living conditions of the dogs. A clean and organized environment is a good indicator.

To help you narrow down your search, here is a list of recommended breeders from Bubbly Pet:

  1. Artistry Yorkies – Michigan
  2. Velvet Touch Yorkies – Texas
  3. Yorkies by Diane – Utah
  4. Benntley Yorkies – Washington
  5. Teacup & Toy Pets Boutique – Texas

Additionally, learn about the red flags to look for when researching breeders. Avoid puppy mills and puppy scammers.

Discuss the Yorkshire Terrier’s temperament, exercise, and grooming needs with the breeder. Make sure you’re prepared to provide the necessary care for your Yorkie.

By following these guidelines, you’ll be well on your way to finding a reputable breeder and bringing home a happy, healthy Yorkshire Terrier puppy. Good luck with your search!

Preparing Your Home


Before bringing home your Yorkshire Terrier puppy, it is essential to puppy-proof your home. This involves eliminating potential hazards and ensuring a safe environment for your new four-legged friend.

  1. Hide electrical cords and wires: Keep wires secured and out of reach, so your Yorkie doesn’t chew on them.
  2. Secure cabinets and doors: Use childproof locks to prevent access to cleaning products and other potentially dangerous items.
  3. Remove hazardous objects: Ensure small items, toxic plants, and choking hazards are out of your puppy’s reach.
  4. Limit access to stairs: Install baby gates to prevent accidental tumbles down the stairs.

Creating a Comfortable Space

A comfortable space is vital for your Yorkshire Terrier puppy’s well-being and happiness. Make sure to prepare an area with the necessary items your Yorkie will need to feel at home.

  • Crate/Cage: Invest in a comfy crate or cage for your puppy to sleep in and feel safe.
  • Food and water dishes: Buy quality dishes for your puppy’s meals and always keep fresh water available.
  • Toys and activities: Provide a variety of safe and engaging – chew toys, puzzle toys, and soft toys to keep your puppy entertained.
  • Bedding: Get a comfortable and cozy bed specifically designed for Yorkie puppies to ensure a good night’s sleep.

Remember, consistency in your Yorkie’s environment will help them to settle in quickly and comfortably. Be prepared to give your new furry friend lots of love and attention, and they will soon feel right at home.

First Day Home

When you bring your Yorkshire Terrier puppy home, it’s essential to make your furry friend feel comfortable and safe. Start by preparing a designated area for your Yorkie, complete with a crate, blankets, toys, food, and water dishes.

On their first day, keep the environment as calm as possible so your puppy can get accustomed to their new surroundings. Introduce your Yorkie to their crate to establish a sense of security, and place their food and water dishes nearby. For the first meal, make sure to use quality puppy food to support their growth and health.

Allow your Yorkie to explore their new environment, but be cautious about overwhelming them with too many new experiences. Take the time to observe your puppy’s body language for signs of stress or excitement. Remember, it’s crucial to remain patient as your dog learns the ropes of their new home.

During the first day, it’s essential to establish routines and boundaries. Begin working on a potty training schedule as soon as possible to avoid confusion. Consistency is vital, so make sure family members are on the same page regarding house rules and puppy training commands. Additionally, ensure that children understand how to interact safely with the puppy.

When you bring your Yorkshire Terrier puppy home, it’s essential to make your furry friend feel comfortable and safe. Start by preparing a designated area for your Yorkie, complete with a crate, blankets, toys, food, and water dishes. Once your new pup is settled in, it’s time to start thinking about the perfect name. Choosing the right name for your Yorkie is an important decision that can reflect their personality and charm. To help you find the ideal name for your beloved pup, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide with creative ideas and tips. Check out our latest post for inspiration on selecting the perfect name for your adorable Yorkie!

Be patientOverwhelm the puppy
Establish routinesIgnore stressed body language
Use quality puppy foodOvercrowd the space

Finally, playtime is essential for your puppy’s development. However, limit the play sessions to around 15 minutes, allowing enough time for your Yorkie to rest in between. Incorporating playtime will help create a strong bond between you and your pet, promoting a loving and long-lasting relationship.

Feeding Your Yorkshire Terrier Puppy

When bringing home a Yorkshire Terrier puppy, it’s essential to ensure proper nutrition. Getting the right balance of nutrients will help your puppy grow healthy and strong. Here’s a simple guide on feeding your Yorkshire Terrier puppy.

To start with, it’s important to monitor your puppy’s daily caloric intake. An adult Yorkshire Terrier weighing about 8 lbs. should consume around 293 calories a day. However, puppies have different nutritional needs, so consult with your veterinarian to determine the appropriate amount for your Yorkie puppy.

Choose high-quality commercial puppy food specifically designed for small dog breeds. Look for products that meet the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) guidelines. Make sure the main ingredient is a high-quality animal protein, such as chicken, turkey, or fish. Avoid generic, unspecified, or by-product sources.

Here’s a sample Feeding Schedule for your Yorkshire Terrier puppy:

AgeMeals per day
2-3 months4-5
4-5 months4
6-8 months3-4
9-11 months3
12 months+3-4

When feeding, use measured portions to avoid overfeeding your puppy. Consider using a small food scale or measuring cups for precision. Remember, consistency and frequency matter.

In addition to their meals, Yorkie puppies can also benefit from treats, which should account for no more than 10% of their daily caloric intake. Treats are useful when training your puppy and can help to reinforce good behavior.

Keep in mind that every Yorkshire Terrier puppy is unique, and their dietary needs might differ. Adjust their feeding schedule and the amount of food based on your puppy’s growth, activity level, and overall health. Consulting your veterinarian for personalized recommendations is always a wise choice.

As you progress through the journey of raising your Yorkshire Terrier puppy, remember that patience, love, and attention will help make this process enjoyable and successful for both you and your new furry friend.

Health and Veterinary Care

Bringing home a Yorkshire Terrier puppy is an exciting experience. One of the essential aspects to ensure your Yorkie thrives is health and veterinary care. In this section, we’ll go over some crucial elements you’ll need to address.

Yorkshire Terriers are generally a healthy breed, but they can be prone to certain medical issues. One common issue in small breeds like Yorkies is hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. Puppies are particularly sensitive to this, so it’s essential to feed them appropriately to maintain their blood sugar levels. To ensure proper health, consider investing in pet health insurance as you bring your Yorkie home1.

Here’s a list of some recommended veterinary care for your Yorkie puppy:

  1. First vaccinations and deworming: between 6-8 weeks
  2. Second vaccinations: 10-12 weeks
  3. Spaying/neutering: 4-6 months
  4. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings

Take your puppy to regular check-ups with a trusted veterinarian. They can provide guidance on vaccination schedules, preventive treatments, and overall health monitoring.

Yorkies, like any other dog breed, should receive proper grooming care. Their long coat tends to get tangled or matted, which could lead to skin issues if not regularly maintained. Make sure to groom your puppy and trim their hair as needed to keep them looking and feeling their best.

AgeGrooming Frequency
2-4 monthsOnce a week
4-6 monthsTwice a week
6+ monthsDaily grooming

Lastly, exposing your Yorkie puppy to various situations early on will help them become well-rounded, confident adults. Socialize your puppy with various people, animals, and environments to make them comfortable with unfamiliar surroundings.

Remember, a healthy and well-cared-for Yorkshire Terrier is a happy, loving companion. Keep up with their health and veterinary care, and you’ll have a furry best friend for life.


  1. PetMD

Training Your Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terriers are intelligent and eager-to-please, which makes training them a rewarding process. It’s important to start training your Yorkie puppy from the day you bring them home. Consistency and patience are key when training your new fur friend.

Potty Training

Begin your Yorkie’s training by focusing on potty training. It’s recommended to take your puppy outside every hour initially, and after they eat, play, or exercise. Use a cue word like “potty” or “business” when they go outside. Rewards and positive reinforcement should be given when they correctly eliminate outdoors. This will help build a positive association with the task.

Basic Commands

When training your Yorkie, it’s essential to establish a strong foundation in basic commands. Start with commands like “sit,” “stay,” “come,” and “down.” Be consistent in your training sessions and use positive reinforcement, such as treats and praise, to encourage progress. Short, daily training sessions work best to keep your Yorkie engaged.

Here are some simple steps to follow when teaching basic commands:

  1. Choose a quiet, distraction-free area for training.
  2. Use a treat or toy to get your puppy’s attention.
  3. Slowly guide them into the desired position using the treat or toy.
  4. When they complete the command correctly, reward them immediately with praise and a treat.


Socializing your Yorkie is crucial for their development and helps raise a friendly, well-adjusted dog. Although the first year is the most critical period for socialization, it’s never too late to introduce your Yorkie to new experiences. Take them for walks, bring them to pet-friendly stores, and arrange playdates with friends’ pets. Remember to reward and praise them for positive interactions with new people, pets, and environments.

Good luck with training your new Yorkshire Terrier, and enjoy the journey!


Yorkshire Terriers are delightful companions, and proper socialization is key to helping them become well-rounded members of your family. In the early stages of your Yorkie’s life, it’s critical to expose them to various situations, people, and other animals. A well-socialized Yorkie will be more confident and less likely to develop fear or aggression issues.

When you first bring home your Yorkie puppy, begin socialization as soon as possible. Puppies generally have a socialization window between 6 and 14 weeks of age. During this period, they are more receptive to new experiences and are better equipped to form positive associations with their environment.

To help socialize your Yorkshire Terrier, consider incorporating the following activities:

  • Introduce new environments – Take your pup to different places, such as a park, a pet store, or a friend’s house. This helps them adapt to varying surroundings.
  • Meet new people – Expose your puppy to individuals of different ages, sizes, and genders, ensuring they experience a diverse range of interactions.
  • Encounter other animals – Organize playdates with other dogs, preferably ones with calm and well-behaved temperaments. Make sure your puppy is up-to-date with vaccinations before interacting with other pets.
  • Expose them to various objects – Things like umbrellas, vacuum cleaners, or bicycles can initially be intimidating to a Yorkie. Gradually introduce these items, ensuring your pup forms positive associations.

Remember that socialization is an ongoing process throughout your Yorkie’s life. Stay patient and consistent in your efforts. Keeping a friendly tone is essential to help them feel comfortable during their encounters. With time, your Yorkshire Terrier will be a well-adjusted and happy member of your family.

Grooming Needs

Yorkshire Terriers, fondly called Yorkies, are known for their beautiful, long coats. However, it’s essential to maintain their appearance and overall health by keeping up with their grooming needs. In this section, we’ll discuss a few key grooming aspects that you should keep in mind.

Brushing: To prevent tangling and matting, it’s recommended to brush your Yorkie’s coat several times a week, if not daily. Make sure to use a suitable brush and be gentle during the process, starting at the head and moving down the body while being mindful of any sensitive areas. Using a detangling spray can help make the task easier.

Bathing: Yorkies require periodic baths to keep their coat clean and healthy. It’s generally advised to bathe your Yorkie once every two weeks. Use warm water and coat-friendly dog shampoo and conditioner made specifically for Yorkie hair.

Here’s a quick grooming schedule to follow:

BrushingDaily or every few days
BathingOnce every 2 weeks
Nail TrimmingOnce every 3 weeks
Ear CleaningOnce every 2 weeks

Nail Trimming: Nail trimming is vital for your Yorkie’s safety and comfort. You should trim your puppy’s nails once every three weeks. Using a high-quality nail clipper, carefully trim the nails to avoid cutting the quick, which can cause bleeding.

Ear Cleaning: Lastly, don’t forget to clean your Yorkie’s ears. About once every two weeks, gently wipe the inside of your puppy’s ears with a moist cotton ball or special ear cleaning solution. Watch out for any signs of ear infections like redness, swelling, or a foul smell, and consult your vet if you notice them.

Remember, establishing a consistent grooming routine early on will help your Yorkie feel more comfortable and look their best. Plus, it’s an excellent opportunity for you to bond with your new furry friend!

Exercise and Play

yorkie exercise and play

Bringing home a Yorkshire Terrier puppy is an exciting experience, and it’s essential to keep them happy and healthy through regular exercise and play. Your Yorkie requires a combination of moderate exercise, short bursts of high intensity, and mental stimulation to stay active and engaged 1.

Incorporate daily walks into your exercise routine. A 20 to 30-minute walk would suffice, as Yorkshire Terriers don’t need extensive physical activity. You can break the walks into two shorter walks if your Yorkie prefers shorter outings.

Remember that playtime is crucial for a Yorkie puppy. Engage in activities like fetch or tug-of-war to provide short bursts of high-intensity exercise2. These games not only keep them physically active but also mentally stimulated.

Introduce puzzle toys and interactive toys to keep your puppy entertained and mentally challenged. These toys can help develop their problem-solving skills, keeping their minds sharp3.

Be sure to use exercise sessions as opportunities for training and socialization4. Obedience training, teaching them tricks, and exposing them to different situations supports their development into well-rounded adults.

Remember to always use positive reinforcement and consistency when training your Yorkie. A Yorkshire Terrier will respond well to praise, treats, or even a simple pat on the head when they’ve successfully performed an exercise or activity.

Here’s a summary table of their exercise needs:

Age / SizeExercise TypeDurationFrequency
PuppyShort walks15-20 minutesTwice a day
Playtime10-15 minutesDaily
Mental stimulationAs neededDaily
AdultModerate walks20-30 minutesDaily
High-intensity play10-15 minutesDaily
Mental stimulationAs neededDaily

By providing your Yorkie with consistent exercise and play, you’ll have a happy, healthy, and well-balanced companion to share your life with.



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