Yorkshire Terrier laying down outdoors

Training A Yorkie Not To Bark

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Training A Yorkie Not To Bark
Source: Pet Partners

Training a Yorkie not to bark

Getting Your Yorkies to Stop Barking

Anything to keep in mind about little dogs, particularly Yorkies, is that they tend to bark excessively. Because it is in their nature for dogs to bark, most of them will do so. When the barking becomes excessive, the situation becomes problematic. Fortunately, training a Yorkie not to bark just like any other habit your dog may have, this one can be trained to reduce its barking to a more acceptable level for your household.

Before you can even begin to think about how to train your Yorkie not to bark, you should first understand why they bark in the first place. This information can assist you in selecting the most effective Training A Yorkie Not To Bark. Since no two dogs are the same, you may need to try a few different ways before finding one that works for your dog’s particular situation.

What causes Yorkies to bark?

The first thing you need to determine is why your Yorkie is barking in the first place. Various factors can influence your dog’s barking, including their temperament. Dogs will constantly bark because it is one of the characteristics that distinguish them as dogs. There is, however, a significant dissimilarity between what is considered normal barking and what is considered obsessive barking in dogs. The instinct to bark is something that will never go away completely, but you can drastically decrease the amount of barking that your Yorkie does by training them properly.

Yorkies have a variety of barks that are unique to them. Learn to decode their barks, and you will understand what they are trying to communicate. The bark with a low tone is one type of bark. In this case, the Yorkie is warning you about a perceived threat, such as sudden loud noise or strange sounds.

A high-pitched bark signals their attempt to attract your attention. Perhaps they want to go outside to play or to use the restroom, for example. Maybe they want to be in your immediate vicinity. A growl delivered in a low tone serves as a warning to others who may have intruded on their territory.

When they want to interact with other dogs, they will howl. When your dog yelps, it means that he has been injured. Yorkshire Terriers will whine when they are in emotional or physical distress, which will alert you to their pain.

Exactly how do you stop a Yorkie from barking?

Knowing how to interpret your dog’s barking is essential because it will inform you whether or not you should discourage your dog’s barking. You should allow your canine companion to do this within reason because dogs are designed to alert you if there is something wrong.

If a dog is territorial, this behavior should be discouraged immediately to avoid future problems. Every one of these methods is explained in detail, step by step. You may need to try several different methods before successfully training your Yorkie not to bark.

Training A Yorkie Not To Bark
Source: Hound Games

Refrain from rewarding yourself.

There are a variety of approaches that you can use to discourage your dog from barking excessively. Instead of rewarding your Yorkie for barking, you should stop doing so. Dogs are prone to engaging in behaviors that provide them with a reward, and barking is no exception. This is how you go about approaching the problem.

Suddenly, a person walks by your house or walks by your home, and your dog begins to bark inside your house.

  1. Put a curtain between you and them.
  2. When all else fails, remove the dog from the window and try again.
  3. If you are outside, bring your dog inside as soon as possible.
  4. Ignore Your Canine Companion

Ignore your Dog

Train your dog to stop barking; ignoring them for a short time is an effective method. This is so effective because dogs respond positively to any attention, so by neglecting their barking, they will no longer receive any compensation for their behavior.

  1. As soon as the dog begins to bark, turn your attention away from them.
  2. Could you wait for it to pass? They will eventually come to an end.
  3. Don’t give in to temptation. Even an hour later, giving in makes them test you by barking even longer the next time they get an opportunity to do so.
  4. When they stop barking, reward them with a treat. Even if it’s to take a deep breath, it’s essential.
  5. Every time they are quiet, continue to offer them treats.

Instruct the Yorkie to obey the “Quiet” command.

Knowing the importance of teaching your dog commands such as “sit” and “leave it” as a dog owner is already second nature to you. Another power that can be extremely useful is “quiet.” 

Here’s how to teach your dog the “quiet” command in the proper manner.

  • Teach your dog to “speak,” which is another way of saying that he should bark on command.
  • Say the word “speak,” and the dog will start barking.
  • After a few barks, give your dog a treat to show your appreciation.
  • Continue in this manner until the dog barks when you say “Speak” three times.
  • Say the word “Speak.”
  • When your dog begins barking, tell him to “Quiet.”
  • When they discontinue barking, reward them with a treat.
  • Please continue to do this until they continuously stop barking when you command them to do so.


Training A Yorkie Not To Bark
Source: The Yorkie Times

If you want your dog to cease barking, distraction can be a very effective method. The problem is that this is only a short-term solution at best. In the end, you will need to train your dog to stop barking using one of the methods described above to achieve success.

  1. When your dog begins to bark, could you find a way to divert its attention?
  2. To get their attention, try throwing their favorite toy at them.
  3. Invite them over and give them a belly rub as a thank you for their time.

Have You Exhausted Your Dog?

You may have heard that an exhausted baby is a happy baby. This is undoubtedly true. The same can be said for a dog. Yorkies are highly high-energy dogs, which makes them more prone to excessive barking than most other breeds. Bark training your dog can sometimes be as simple as making sure that they are too tired to do so in the first place.

An exercised dog is less likely to bark out of boredom or frustration than a dog who does not receive enough physical activity. In addition, you should make sure to have toys on hand that will keep your dog occupied and thus tire them out. Having a diverse selection of toys in the house will keep your dog entertained. When your Yorkie is playing with toys, they can relieve any dissatisfaction or stress they are experiencing.

Take a look at your surroundings.

The environment in which the Yorkie lives can also impact their tendency to bark. It is less likely that the Yorkie will bark excessively if the domain is calmer and has a consistent routine established for him. When the environment is chaotic and unpredictable, it can cause a dog to become highly anxious, resulting in them barking excessively, which can cause problems.

The Things You Shouldn’t Do When Teaching Your Yorkie Not to Bark.

You must maintain your composure when you are training your Yorkie not to bark. Keep reading for more information. It would help if you exercised patience with dogs because they instinctively bark at the slightest disturbance. Dogs that bark is simply doing what comes naturally to them at that moment. The dog may become confused if you start yelling at them or exhibiting other negative behaviors while barking. This has the potential to cause the dog to become aggressive as a result. If you want to train your dog not to bark successfully, you must maintain a positive and patient attitude toward him.

Avoid Taking Excessive Measures

It is also recommended to withhold from taking any drastic measures during this process. Shock collars are inhumane and often result in more harm than good for the animal. Yorkies are clever enough to figure out how to navigate these obstacles, making them even less effective. Punishment is never a very effective method of teaching your dog to do something new or different. When it comes to coaching, positive reinforcement is far more effective than negative reinforcement in most cases. Physically hitting your dog in reaction to their barking is one of the negative punishments you can feedback. This can also instruct them to be more aggressive in the future.

De-barking surgery is another option that should be avoided if at all possible. This is a highly drastic measure that does nothing to stop the dog’s barking behavior; it only serves to quiet the dog’s barking behavior temporarily. When you put a dog under anesthesia, there are always risks involved, which is precisely why this should be avoided when performing an unnecessary procedure.

Training A Yorkie Not To Bark
Source: Twitter

Investigate the source of your Yorkie’s excessive barking.

If you are considering taking drastic measures to stop your Yorkie from barking obsessively, there may be some concerns that you need to address with your dog first before proceeding. They may be experiencing some fears or anxiety, which you will need to address to assist them through this situation. Some dogs require a little extra assistance to break their habit of excessive barking. If this is a problem you are experiencing, consulting with your veterinarian or a behaviorist can be highly beneficial in resolving the situation. They may provide you with additional advice and resources that can be highly beneficial in training your dog to stop barking.

Additional suggestions for reducing Yorkie barking behavior

Find out what is causing them to bark.

Understanding why your Yorkshire Terrier barks may help reduce the amount of noise your home is subjected to. Is it because they’re bored? Do they seem to be alone? Do they have an excessive amount of pent-up energy? Are they apprehensive? Once you have determined the source of their barking, you can take steps to correct the situation. We’ll go into more detail about deciphering the specific reasons why Yorkies bark later on.

Could you make sure they get plenty of exercises?

A tired Yorkie is a quiet Yorkie—or, at the very least, a quieter Yorkie. Giving your Yorkie plenty of exercise will allow them to burn off excess energy, which will reduce their likelihood of expending energy on endless barking.

Your Yorkshire Terrier needs at the very least one 20-minute walk every day to help bring down their energy levels and stimulate their brain, but more is preferable. However, you may find that your Yorkie, like ours, requires a little more playtime to exhaust themselves. If necessary, consider hiring a dog walking service to provide your pup with some exercise during the day when you aren’t home to supervise.

Separation anxiety can be alleviated.

If your Yorkie suffers from separation anxiety, addressing the issue may help to reduce the amount of barking he does when you are not home. This is particularly important to consider if you live near other people, such as in an apartment building.

Yorkie's First Year: Training Timeline For a Yorkshire Terrier Puppy –  American Kennel Club
Source: American Kennel Club

The use of stimulating puzzle toys, interactive cameras, the addition of a second dog, taking a midday walk, or the consumption of soothing treatments such as lavender or CBD chews are all possibilities. You may also want to contemplate using a doggie daycare or hiring a dog walker to keep your dog company.

Positive reinforcement should be given.

Positive assistance will go a long way in overcoming the adverse effects of punishment. So, whenever you have the opportunity to commend your dog on a job well done, please take advantage of it!

Never hit or yell at your Yorkie; instead, use a firm and forceful voice to communicate with him. You want to establish a foundation of trust with your partner. Instilling fear in them will not result in the development of this relationship.

Action to be taken if your Yorkie is barking at you.

Dogs communicate with one another through barking. By becoming usual with the different types of barking, you can better understand their needs and take steps to avoid the problem.

  • Barking at the top of its chest is used to attract your attention and indicate a desire for something—a toy, a potty break, or some playtime.
  • Low-tone barking: Evidence of a perceived threat; used as a warning; this is often exacerbated by a change in environment or the presence of unfamiliar sounds.
  • When a dog growls, it warns other people or animals to stay away from its territory.
  • Howling is a dog’s way of responding to other dogs.
  • Whining: Whining can be used to express emotional or physical distress, but it can also attract attention and indicate that something is desired.
  • Yelping is a common way of indicating injury or pain.

Does your Yorkie have a lot of barking?

I know by what means difficult it can be to have a barking Yorkie. I’ve been there. Don’t give up hope. Experiment with something new. Testing one or two strategies with your dog before things start to click will sometimes be necessary.

Final Words

Best Flea Treatment For a Yorkie - Training Buster
Source: Training Buster

Yorkies have a reputation for being obnoxious barkers who bark at inconvenient times. You can do some things to assist you in training your Yorkie to bark more minor, but it is necessary to remember that dogs have an instinctive desire to bark. You will never be able to eliminate their barking, but you can train them to only bark when necessary or bark a few times to get their message across to others. Both you and your dog will require practical training to stop this behavior and return to enjoying your bouncy ball of fluff once more. Remember to be patient and work with your dog to teach them to bark appropriately.

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