yorkie breeding

The Ultimate Guide to Yorkie Breeding: 10 Expert Tips for Success

Welcome to our guide on Yorkie breeding! As experienced breeders ourselves, we know how rewarding and fulfilling it can be to raise these wonderful dogs. However, breeding Yorkies requires more than just passion – it also requires knowledge and responsibility. That’s why we’ve put together this comprehensive guide to help both novice and experienced breeders alike.

In this section, we’ll provide you with 10 expert tips that will ensure a successful Yorkie breeding journey. We’ll cover everything from selecting healthy parent Yorkies to preparing for the breeding process and caring for newborn puppies. By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a responsible Yorkie breeder.

Key Takeaways:

  • Yorkie breeding requires responsibility and knowledge.
  • Selecting healthy parent Yorkies is crucial for the puppies’ well-being.
  • Proper planning is essential for a successful breeding program.
  • Preparing for the breeding process ensures a smooth and safe experience.
  • Caring for the pregnant mother and newborn puppies is crucial.

Understanding Yorkshire Terrier Breed Standards

As responsible Yorkie breeders, it’s crucial to understand the breed standards set by reputable organizations. This knowledge helps us strive towards producing healthy and well-tempered Yorkies that adhere to these standards.

The Yorkshire Terrier breed has specific physical and behavioral characteristics that define them. These standards serve as a guideline to ensure that Yorkies conform to their breed standard and are physically and mentally healthy.

Physical Appearance

A Yorkie’s physical appearance is one of the most defining characteristics of the breed. According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), Yorkies should have a compact, well-proportioned body with a level topline and a silky, straight coat that is tan and blue in color. The coat should be glossy and fine in texture, with hair that is long and flowing on the head, chest, and legs.

Yorkies should also have a small, flat head with a black nose, dark eyes that are medium in size, and small V-shaped ears that are erect.

It’s important to note that breeders should never prioritize appearance over a Yorkie’s overall health and well-being.


Yorkshire Terriers are known for their confident, spunky, and affectionate personalities. They are also intelligent and trainable, making them great companions.

As responsible breeders, it’s essential to prioritize a Yorkie’s temperament when breeding. Ensuring that both parent Yorkies have good dispositions and personalities can help ensure that their offspring will develop similar characteristics.

Breed Standards

Breed Standards for Yorkshire TerriersDescription
Height8-9 inches at the shoulder
Weight4-7 pounds
CoatLong, silky, straight, and glossy
ColorTan and blue
HeadSmall and flat with a black nose
EarsSmall, V-shaped, and erect
EyesDark, medium sized

By understanding the breed standards and prioritizing health and temperament, responsible Yorkie breeders can help preserve and improve the breed while producing happy and healthy puppies.

Selecting Healthy Parent Yorkies

healthy parent yorkies

As responsible Yorkie breeders, we understand the importance of breeding healthy puppies. Selecting healthy parent Yorkies is crucial for achieving this goal. Here are some tips on how to choose reputable breeders and ensure that your parent Yorkies are healthy:

  1. Research reputable breeders: Look for breeders who have a good reputation and are known for producing healthy puppies. You can ask for recommendations from other breeders or check online forums and websites.
  2. Check for health clearances: Reputable breeders will provide health clearances for their parent Yorkies. These clearances are issued by veterinary specialists after a thorough examination of the dog’s health history and medical records. Health clearances can include OFA (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals) evaluation for hip dysplasia, eye clearances, and genetic testing.
  3. Meet the parent Yorkies: Before breeding, it’s important to meet the parent Yorkies in person. This will give you a chance to evaluate their temperament and look for any signs of illness or health issues. Make sure that both the male and female Yorkies are healthy and free from any genetic disorders.
  4. Ask about the breeding process: Reputable breeders will be transparent about their breeding process. Ask about how often they breed their Yorkies and what steps they take to ensure the health and safety of the puppies. A responsible breeder should be willing to answer any questions you have and provide you with references from previous clients.
  5. Consider the age of the parent Yorkies: It’s important to breed Yorkies who are in their prime reproductive years. For females, this is typically between the ages of 2 and 5 years old, while males can be bred up to the age of 7 years old. Breeding Yorkies outside of these age ranges can increase the risk of complications and health issues for the mother and puppies.
  6. Look for red flags: Beware of breeders who offer to sell you puppies without health clearances or who breed Yorkies too frequently. Additionally, avoid breeders who don’t allow you to meet the parent Yorkies in person or who are unwilling to answer your questions.

By following these tips and working with reputable breeders, you can ensure that your parent Yorkies are healthy and that you are on the path to responsible Yorkie breeding.

Planning the Breeding Process

Planning is an essential part of any successful Yorkshire Terrier breeding program. Before beginning the breeding process, it’s important to carefully consider your goals and develop a breeding plan that aligns with them. There are several factors to keep in mind when planning the breeding process:

  1. Choosing the right time for breeding: When planning the breeding process, it’s important to consider the female Yorkie’s heat cycle. The heat cycle typically occurs every 6-8 months and lasts for about 2-3 weeks. To determine the best time for breeding, you can monitor the female’s progesterone levels or use an at-home ovulation test kit.
  2. Understanding the heat cycle: The heat cycle is divided into three stages: proestrus, estrus, and diestrus. During proestrus, the female’s body prepares for breeding, and her behavior may change. Estrus is when the female is receptive to mating, while diestrus is a period of hormonal balance after mating.
  3. Developing a breeding plan: Your breeding plan should outline the goals for your breeding program, including factors such as temperament, health, and conformational standards. You should also consider the potential risks and challenges of breeding, such as genetic disorders or complications during pregnancy and delivery.

In addition to these factors, it’s important to work with reputable Yorkie breeders and consult with a veterinarian throughout the breeding process. With careful planning and attention to detail, you can ensure a successful and responsible Yorkshire Terrier breeding program.

Preparing for Breeding

Before the breeding process can begin, there are several preparations that need to be made. These preparations ensure a smooth and safe breeding process that can maximize your chances of producing healthy Yorkie puppies.

Gather Necessary Equipment

First, make sure you have all the necessary equipment on hand. This includes items such as:

  • Stud service contract (if you are using a male from another breeder)
  • Artificial insemination supplies (if you are using this method)
  • Clean towels for clean-up
  • Nail clippers to trim nails as needed
  • Whelping box for the expecting mother

Prepare the Female Yorkie

It’s important to make sure the female Yorkie is in optimal health before breeding. This includes getting a pre-breeding veterinary check-up to ensure she is free from any health issues that may cause complications during pregnancy or whelping.

Additionally, you should prepare your female Yorkie mentally by keeping her happy and stress-free. This can be done by providing plenty of exercise, socialization, and affectionate attention.

Prepare the Male Yorkie

Just like the female Yorkie, the male should be free from any health issues that may impact breeding. He should also be physically and mentally prepared for breeding. This can be achieved by providing him with plenty of exercise, proper nutrition, and attention.

Observe the Female’s Heat Cycle

Observing the female’s heat cycle is crucial in determining the optimal time for breeding. This involves keeping track of her menstrual cycle and observing her behavior to identify when she is in heat. It’s important to be patient and wait for the right time to begin breeding.

Develop a Breeding Plan

Finally, it’s important to have a solid breeding plan in place. This involves determining the ideal time for breeding, developing a timeline for the process, and outlining a plan for the care of the mother and her puppies.

The Breeding Process

Once you have selected healthy parent Yorkies and planned the breeding process, it’s time to move on to the actual breeding. This can be an exciting and nerve-wracking time, but with proper preparation and knowledge, you can ensure a successful and responsible breeding process.

Introducing the Male and Female Yorkies

The first step in the breeding process is to introduce the male and female Yorkies. This should be done in a neutral and comfortable location, such as a park or backyard. It’s important to supervise the interaction to ensure that both dogs are behaving appropriately and safely.

One important thing to keep in mind is that female Yorkies have a specific heat cycle in which they are receptive to mating. It’s crucial to wait until the female is in heat before attempting to breed. This will increase the chances of successful mating and pregnancy.

Monitoring the Mating

Once the male and female Yorkies have successfully mated, it’s important to monitor their behavior and ensure that the mating has been successful. Signs of successful mating include the male mounting the female and a tie between the male and female, which is when their genitalia become locked together for several minutes.

It’s important to note that not all matings result in pregnancy. Keep a close eye on the female Yorkie’s behavior and look for signs of pregnancy, such as a decrease in appetite and a change in behavior.

After the Breeding

After the breeding process is complete, it’s important to provide proper care and support for both the male and female Yorkies. This includes providing nutritious food, ensuring they have access to water at all times, and monitoring their behavior and health.

If the mating is successful, the female Yorkie will go through a pregnancy and whelping process, which will require additional care and attention. Stay tuned for our next section, where we will cover everything you need to know about pregnancy and whelping.

Pregnancy and Whelping

As responsible breeders, it’s our duty to provide proper care and support to the expecting mother during her pregnancy and whelping process. This ensures the well-being of both the mother and her puppies.


The pregnancy of a Yorkie typically lasts around 63 days. During this time, the mother should receive adequate nutrition and exercise to maintain her health and that of her developing puppies.

It’s recommended to take the mother to the veterinarian for regular check-ups to monitor her pregnancy and ensure that everything is progressing normally. The vet may perform ultrasounds to determine the number of puppies, their size, and health, and to estimate the due date.


The whelping process refers to the act of birthing puppies. It’s crucial to prepare a safe and comfortable environment for the mother to give birth in, such as a whelping box with soft bedding and a heating pad for warmth.

During the whelping process, the mother may require assistance from the breeder, especially if it’s her first litter. It’s important to monitor the mother for any signs of distress or complications, such as difficulty in giving birth or problems with milk production.

Signs of LaborAction Required
Increase in body temperatureMonitor for other signs of labor
RestlessnessPrepare the whelping area
Nesting behaviorPrepare the whelping area
Increase in licking of genital areaMonitor closely for signs of labor
Bloody vaginal dischargeMonitor closely for signs of labor

After the puppies are born, it’s important to monitor them for any signs of distress or health issues. The breeder should pay close attention to their weight and ensure they are nursing properly. Any concerns should be brought to the attention of the veterinarian.

Overall, the pregnancy and whelping process requires careful attention and preparation to ensure a safe and successful birth. By following responsible breeding practices, we can ensure the health and well-being of the mother and her puppies.

Raising Yorkie Puppies

Raising Yorkie puppies is an exciting and rewarding experience, but it also requires a lot of hard work and dedication. Here are some important tips to keep in mind as you prepare to welcome your new litter of Yorkie puppies into the world.


Socialization is crucial for the healthy development of your Yorkie puppies. Start early by exposing them to a variety of people, places, and experiences. This will help them become well-adjusted and confident adult dogs.

Some ways to socialize your Yorkie puppies include:

  • Inviting friends and family over to meet the puppies
  • Taking the puppies on short car rides
  • Introducing the puppies to other friendly dogs


Providing proper nutrition is essential for the health and growth of your Yorkie puppies. Make sure to feed them high-quality puppy food that is appropriate for their age and size. You may also want to supplement their diet with vitamins and minerals to ensure they are getting all the nutrients they need.

It’s important to monitor your puppies’ weight and adjust their feeding schedule accordingly. Overfeeding can lead to obesity and other health problems, while underfeeding can cause stunted growth and malnutrition.1


Regular veterinary care is essential for keeping your Yorkie puppies healthy. Make sure to schedule regular check-ups and vaccinations to protect them from common illnesses and diseases.

It’s also important to keep your puppies clean and groomed. Yorkies have long, silky hair that requires regular brushing and trimming to prevent matting and tangles. You may also want to consider having their teeth cleaned regularly to promote good dental health.


Training your Yorkie puppies is important for their safety and well-being, as well as your own. Start by establishing basic commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “come.” You may also want to consider crate training to help with housebreaking and to give your puppies a safe and secure place to rest.

Positive reinforcement is the most effective way to train your Yorkie puppies. This can include treats, praise, and affection. Consistency is key, so make sure everyone in your household is on board with the same training methods.

With these tips in mind, you can provide the best possible care for your Yorkie puppies and help them grow into happy, healthy adult dogs.

Finding Responsible Homes for Yorkie Puppies

At the end of the day, responsible Yorkie breeders prioritize finding suitable homes for their puppies. This involves careful screening of potential owners to ensure they have the necessary resources and experience to provide a loving and safe home.

One way to find responsible homes is to create a waiting list of interested parties. This allows breeders to assess each applicant’s suitability and match them with the right puppy based on their lifestyle and needs.

Another important consideration is ongoing support. Responsible breeders should be available to their puppy owners even after the sale is complete. This means answering questions, offering advice, and providing resources to help the new owners care for their Yorkie puppy.

When marketing Yorkie puppies for sale, responsible breeders should provide clear and accurate information about the puppy’s health, temperament, and lineage. This helps potential owners make informed decisions and ensures the puppies go to suitable homes.

Sample Table: Comparing Potential Owners

Applicant AApplicant BApplicant C
Experience with YorkiesOwned two Yorkies in the pastFirst-time ownerGrew up with Yorkies
Living SituationLives in a small apartment with no yardLives in a suburban house with a fenced yardLives in a rural area with plenty of space to run
Other PetsNo other petsHas a catHas a large dog
ReferencesProvided references from previous Yorkie breederProvided references from friends and familyNo references provided

As you can see from the sample table above, comparing potential owners can help you make informed decisions and find the best possible homes for your Yorkie puppies.


As responsible Yorkie breeders, we understand the importance of knowledge and dedication when it comes to breeding these wonderful dogs. By following the expert tips we have provided, you can ensure a successful breeding journey that benefits both the breed and the puppies.

It’s essential to have a thorough understanding of the Yorkshire Terrier breed standards and to select healthy parent Yorkies. Proper planning and preparation are crucial for a safe and smooth breeding process, and providing care and support for pregnant Yorkies and newborn puppies is vital.

As breeders, our responsibility doesn’t end with the birth of the puppies. We must prioritize finding responsible homes for them and providing ongoing support to ensure their well-being. By following these practices and prioritizing the health and happiness of the puppies, we can contribute to preserving the Yorkie breed for generations to come.

Thank you for considering these expert tips for successful Yorkie breeding. We hope this information has been helpful in your journey as a responsible Yorkie breeder.


  1. https://www.hillspet.com/dog-care/nutrition-feeding/overfeeding-your-dog?lightboxfired=true ↩︎


What are some expert tips for successful Yorkie breeding?

Here are 10 expert tips that can help you achieve success in your Yorkie breeding journey:

Why is it important to understand Yorkshire Terrier breed standards?

Understanding breed standards is crucial for breeding Yorkies as it helps maintain the integrity of the breed and ensures that the puppies meet the desired traits and characteristics of a Yorkshire Terrier.

How can I select healthy parent Yorkies for breeding?

Choosing healthy parent Yorkies is essential for producing healthy puppies. You should look for breeders who prioritize the health and well-being of their dogs, conduct necessary health screenings, and provide proper care and nutrition.

What should I consider when planning the breeding process?

Planning is crucial for a successful breeding program. Key considerations include choosing the right time for breeding, understanding the heat cycle, and developing a breeding plan that aligns with responsible breeding practices.

What preparations should I make before breeding?

Before breeding, it’s important to ensure that both the male and female Yorkies are in optimal health, have completed necessary health screenings, and are up to date on vaccinations. Creating a safe and comfortable environment for the breeding process is also essential.

How do I conduct the breeding process?

The breeding process involves introducing the male and female Yorkies during the female’s heat cycle and monitoring their interactions. It’s important to ensure a safe and controlled breeding process while allowing nature to take its course.

What should I know about pregnancy and whelping?

During pregnancy, providing proper care and support to the pregnant Yorkie is crucial. This includes monitoring her health, and nutrition, and providing a comfortable whelping area. Understanding the stages of pregnancy and being prepared for whelping is important for a successful outcome.

How do I raise Yorkie puppies?

Raising Yorkie puppies involves providing proper nutrition, socialization, and healthcare. It’s important to establish a safe and nurturing environment for the puppies to thrive and grow into healthy and well-adjusted dogs.

How can I ensure responsible homes for Yorkie puppies?

Finding responsible homes for Yorkie puppies is a priority. This involves thorough screening of potential owners to ensure they can provide proper care, a loving environment, and ongoing support for the puppies throughout their lives.

What is the conclusion for successful Yorkie breeding?

Breeding Yorkies requires knowledge, dedication, and responsible practices. By following expert tips and prioritizing the health and well-being of both the parent Yorkies and the puppies, you can embark on a successful Yorkie breeding journey and contribute to the preservation of this wonderful breed.

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