why do yorkies lick their paws

Why Do Yorkies Lick Their Paws: Understanding the Reasons Behind This Common Behavior

Understanding Yorkie’s Behavior

As Yorkie owners, we have all seen our furry friends licking their paws at some point. While it may seem like a harmless habit, excessive licking can be a sign of an underlying issue. In this section, we will explore why do Yorkies lick their paws and what it means.


Yorkies are curious creatures and love to explore their surroundings. They use their mouths to investigate objects and may lick their paws out of curiosity. However, if the behavior becomes excessive, it may be a sign of anxiety or boredom.

Bad Habit

Licking can become a bad habit for Yorkies, especially if they are left alone for long periods. They may resort to licking their paws as a way to cope with stress or boredom. If you notice your Yorkie licking their paws excessively, it’s essential to address the underlying cause.

Friendly Behavior

Yorkies are known for their friendly nature and may lick their owners’ hands or feet as a sign of affection. However, it’s important to teach them boundaries and discourage excessive licking.


If your Yorkshire Terrier is nervous or anxious, they may resort to licking their paws as a way to self-soothe. This behavior can be a sign of separation anxiety or a reaction to a new pet or environment.

In conclusion, Yorkies may lick their paws for various reasons, including curiosity, bad habits, friendly behavior, and nervousness. While occasional licking is normal, excessive licking can be a sign of an underlying issue. As responsible pet owners, we must pay attention to our Yorkies’ behavior and address any concerns promptly.

Reasons Why Do Yorkies Lick Their Paws

Yorkshire Terriers are known for their adorable and playful personalities, but they also have a reputation for excessive paw licking. This behavior can be concerning for pet owners, but it’s important to understand that paw licking is a common behavior in the Yorkshire Terrier dog breed and can be caused by various reasons. In this section, we will discuss the possible causes of paw licking in Yorkies.

Health-Related Causes

One of the most common reasons why Yorkies lick their paws is due to health-related issues. Yorkies may lick their paws if they have an allergic reaction to certain foods, environmental allergens such as dust, pollen, or irritants like pesticides. They may also lick their paws due to dry skin, infections, or growth. If you notice that your Yorkie is excessively licking their paws, it’s important to take them to the vet to rule out any underlying health issues.

Behavioral Causes

Yorkies may also lick their paws due to behavioral reasons. Some Yorkies may lick their paws out of boredom, anxiety, or stress. If you notice that your Yorkie is licking its paws excessively when you are not around, it may be a sign of separation anxiety. Providing your Yorkie with puzzle toys and other stimulating activities can help alleviate boredom and reduce their paw-licking behavior.

Environmental Causes

Yorkies may also lick their paws due to environmental factors. For example, walking on sandy or hot surfaces can cause irritation to their paws, leading to excessive licking. Yorkies may also lick their paws due to winter weather, which can cause swelling and irritation. If your Yorkie is licking their paws due to environmental factors, it’s important to keep their paws clean and dry. You can also consult with your vet about using Benadryl or other medications to reduce irritation.

In summary, there are various reasons why Yorkies may lick their paws, including health-related causes, behavioral causes, and environmental factors. It’s important to take your Yorkie to the vet if you notice excessive paw licking, as it may be a sign of an underlying health issue. By addressing the root cause of the behavior, you can help your Yorkie feel more comfortable and reduce their paw-licking behavior.

Identifying the Problem

When we notice our Yorkie licking or chewing their paws excessively, it’s important to identify the underlying problem. While occasional paw licking is normal, excessive licking can be a sign of an issue that needs attention.

One common cause of paw licking is irritation or pain. Our Yorkie may have a cut, blister, or another wound on their paw that is causing discomfort. In this case, it’s important to inspect the paw carefully to identify any visible signs of injury. If we notice any swelling, pus, bleeding, or other concerning symptoms, we should take our Yorkie to the vet for a thorough examination.

Another possible cause of paw licking is allergies. Our Yorkie may be allergic to something in their environment, such as pollen, dust, or certain foods. In this case, we may notice our Yorkie licking paws more frequently during certain times of the year or after eating certain foods. If we suspect allergies, we should take our Yorkie to the vet for allergy testing and treatment.

A bacterial or yeast infection can also cause our Yorkie to lick or chew their paws excessively. These infections can develop when our Yorkie’s paws are moist for extended periods of time, such as after walking in wet grass or playing in the water. Symptoms of a bacterial or yeast infection may include redness, swelling, and a foul odor. If we suspect an infection, we should take our Yorkie to the vet for treatment.

In some cases, our Yorkie may develop cysts or other growths on their paws that can cause discomfort and lead to excessive licking. If we notice any unusual bumps or growths on our Yorkie’s paws, we should take them to the vet for evaluation.

Finally, our Yorkie’s paw licking may be a sign that they need teeth cleaning. When our Yorkie’s teeth are dirty or infected, they may lick their paws as a way to alleviate the discomfort. If we suspect dental issues, we should take our Yorkie to the vet for a dental exam and cleaning.

Overall, identifying the cause of our Yorkie’s paw licking is important for ensuring their health and well-being. By observing our Yorkie’s behavior and taking them to the vet when necessary, we can help them stay happy and healthy.

Prevention and Treatment

Preventing and treating paw licking in Yorkies involves identifying the underlying cause and taking appropriate measures to address it. We recommend consulting a veterinarian if the paw licking persists or is accompanied by other symptoms.

Allergies and Infections

If the paw licking is caused by allergies or infections, the veterinarian may prescribe antibiotics or antifungal medication to treat the underlying problem. In some cases, medicated shampoos or sprays may also be recommended to alleviate symptoms and prevent further infections.


Parasite infections such as fleas or mange can cause paw licking. To prevent and treat these infections, we recommend using flea and tick preventatives and regularly grooming your Yorkie. In some cases, the veterinarian may prescribe medication to treat the underlying parasite infection.

Food Allergies and Sensitivities

Food allergies and sensitivities can also cause paw licking. We recommend switching to high-quality, hypoallergenic dog food and avoiding foods that your Yorkie may be allergic to. It may take several weeks to see a noticeable improvement in symptoms.

Dental Health

Poor dental health can also cause paw licking. We recommend regular teeth cleaning and providing your Yorkie with dental chews to promote healthy teeth and gums.

Other Measures

yorkie grooming

Other measures that may help prevent and treat paw licking in Yorkies include:

  • Regular grooming to prevent skin problems and infections
  • Keeping your Yorkie’s environment clean and free of irritants
  • Providing your Yorkie with plenty of exercise and mental stimulation to prevent boredom and anxiety
  • Using Benadryl or other antihistamines to alleviate itching and inflammation
  • Using topical creams or ointments to soothe irritated skin

In summary, preventing and treating paw licking in Yorkies involves identifying the underlying cause and taking appropriate measures to address it. We recommend consulting a veterinarian if the paw licking persists or is accompanied by other symptoms.

When to Visit a Vet

As pet owners, we want to do everything we can to keep our furry friends healthy and happy. When it comes to Yorkies licking or chewing at their paws, it’s important to know when it’s time to seek veterinary care.

While some paw licking can be normal behavior, excessive licking or chewing can be a sign of an underlying issue. Here are some red flags that warrant a vet visit:

Open sores: If you notice any open sores on your Yorkie’s paws, it’s important to have them checked out by a vet. These sores can become infected and lead to more serious health problems.

Cracking or deep peeling: If your Yorkie’s paw pads are cracking or peeling deeply, it could be a sign of an infection or injury. A vet can help diagnose and treat the issue.

Bleeding: If your Yorkie’s paws are bleeding, it’s important to seek veterinary care right away. This could be a sign of a serious injury or infection.

Swelling: If you notice any swelling in your Yorkie’s paws, it could be a sign of an infection or injury. A vet can help diagnose and treat the issue.

Pus or discharge: If you notice any pus or discharge coming from your Yorkie’s paws, it’s important to have them checked out by a vet. This could be a sign of an infection.

Cysts or other growths: If you notice any cysts or growths on your Yorkie’s paws, it’s important to have them checked out by a vet. These growths can be benign or cancerous and require prompt treatment.

If you notice any of these red flags, it’s important to seek veterinary care for your Yorkie. A vet can help diagnose and treat the underlying issue, ensuring your furry friend stays healthy and happy.


In conclusion, Yorkies licking their paws is a common behavior that can have a range of causes. While it can be a natural behavior, excessive licking can indicate underlying health issues or environmental factors that require attention.

We have learned that some of the reasons why Yorkies lick their paws include anxiety, boredom, skin problems, stomach upset, fleas, dry skin, or infection. It is important to identify the root cause of the behavior to address it effectively.

If you notice your Yorkie excessively licking their paws, it is important to take them to a veterinarian to rule out any medical issues. Additionally, providing your Yorkie with plenty of exercise, mental stimulation, and a healthy diet can help reduce anxiety and boredom, which can contribute to excessive licking.

Overall, understanding why Yorkies lick their paws can help you identify and address any underlying issues that may be affecting your dog’s health and well-being. By providing proper care and attention, you can help ensure that your Yorkie lives a happy and healthy life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do Yorkies lick their paws?

There are several reasons your Yorkie may be licking its paws, including allergies, boredom, anxiety, or simply out of habit.

Can excessive licking of paws be a sign of a problem?

Yes, if your Yorkie is constantly licking its paws, it could be a sign of underlying issues such as mites, dermatitis, or other skin irritations. It’s important to address the behavior to prevent further complications.

Why do Yorkies lick the air?

why do yorkies lick the air

Licking the air is usually a sign of nausea or an upset stomach. If your Yorkie is frequently licking the air, it’s time to consult your veterinarian.

What are some reasons a Yorkie may lick its paws excessively?

Your Yorkie may be licking its paws excessively due to allergies, anxiety, boredom, or skin irritations. It’s important to find the root cause of the behavior to address it properly.

What should I do if my Yorkie is licking its paws excessively?

First, check its paws for any cuts, scrapes, or infections. If you don’t find anything, it’s time for a vet visit to rule out any underlying health issues. Consulting your veterinarian is always recommended.

What are some reasons why your Yorkie may be licking its paws?

Some reasons your Yorkie may be licking its paws include allergies, boredom, anxiety, or simply out of habit. Pay attention to your dog’s behavior to determine if there are any underlying issues.

Can dogs develop skin infections from excessively licking their paws?

Yes, dogs can develop skin infections from repeatedly licking their paws. This can cause further complications and health problems. It’s important to stop the behavior and consult your veterinarian.

How can I keep my Yorkie from licking its paws?

You can keep your Yorkie from licking its paws by providing it with enough exercise, toys, and mental stimulation to prevent boredom and anxiety. Additionally, keep your dog’s paws clean, trimmed, and dry to prevent any skin irritations.

Why do Yorkies tend to lick?

Yorkies tend to lick as a way to communicate, show affection, or simply out of habit. However, if the licking becomes excessive, it’s important to address it promptly.

What should I do if my dog isn’t stopping from licking its paw?

First, check your dog’s paw for any visible signs of irritation or injury. If you do not find anything, consult your veterinarian to rule out any underlying issues. It’s important to address the behavior before it becomes a more significant problem.

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